WIN stands for World Intercession Network. Our vision is to connect believers to the heart of God through prayer as we intercede for the nations.
Meet The Team

Lori Mundy

April Babb

Beth Bailey

Angel Boyd

Pam DeWolfe

Sharon Murdick

Becky Smith
To see the fire of God and passion for intercessory prayer AWAKENED, PLANTED, IGNITED and RELEASED into the Heart of the Spirit Life Ministries, its ministers, and and its churches. And that “Spirit Life Ministries” would be known as “A House of Prayer for All Nations” in the Earth.
Our Mission is to provide the Spirit Life Ministers and Churches with a Prayer Covering, Training for Intercessory Prayer Teams, Resources on Prayer, Opportunities for Prayer Retreats and Special Training to Equip each Minister to Fulfill the Vision and become Fire Brands Blazing with the Passion and Fire of God.
➢ Through prayer we are connected to God and one another.
➢ We believe that the fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.
➢ We believe that as we abide in Christ and He abides in us, we can ask what we will and it shall be done.
➢ We believe that we have been called to a lifestyle of prayer, with Jesus as our example and model for prayer and that it is our rich inheritance to have an audience with the King, and our right as Sons’and Daughters to have our Father’s Ear when we call out to our ABBA Daddy.
➢ We believe it is our God-given duty to pray for those in authority.
➢ We believe that prayer is the womb that God uses to birth His Promises in our lives
➢ We believe that we can call to Him, and He will answer us and show us great and mighty things that we know not.
➢ We believe that it is the desire of God for families to restore the altar of prayer in their homes and join together with other believers in Corporate Prayer in the bonds of peace and in the Unity of the Spirit.
WIN promotes prayer through conferences and local churches and in cooperation with many national prayer ministries. We provide resources to generate a fresh enthusiasm for prayer. Working with Conference WIN Directors in each IPHC conference, we equip them to recruit and resource local church WIN Directors as they lead their churches to become houses of prayer.